Nervaduras y Conos, Concentrico

  • objets
  • expérimenter
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  • transmettre

Nervaduras y Conos, Concentrico


Nervaduras y Conos is a project designed for the Concentrico festival developped withj Taller enBlanco, which aims to foster creativity, spatial understanding and teamwork in primary and secondary school students. The course promotes a collaborative methodology that connects art with other disciplines such as mathematics, biology and technology, stimulating both artistic creativity and transversal learning.

Manifestations of nature are subject to the demands of space, time and the forces of matter. This workshop is in search of a harmony that must be rediscovered, and of an abundant variety of forms based on a few fundamental archetypes: a spine materialised by a rib, and the cone multiplied at different scales. The ridge becomes the framework for the development of the project, with each time a direction to allow the children to interpret: a character, a face, a plant (two suggested formalisations), an architecture (two suggested formalisations), a hybrid form to imagine: a combination that appeals to the imagination (two suggested formalisations).

Children are first invited to familiarise themselves with the cone. They can build a small ‘conotheque’ to understand how to make a more or less closed shape, how to combine several cones of the same size to obtain a corolla...

The stop becomes the framework for the development of the project, with each time a direction to allow the children to interpret: a character, a face, a plant (two suggested formalisations), an architecture (two suggested formalisations), a hybrid form to imagine: a combination that appeals to the imagination (two suggested formalisations).

Children are first invited to familiarise themselves with the cone. They can build a small ‘conotheque’ to understand how to make a more or less closed shape, how to combine several cones of the same size to obtain a corolla... 
The cones are attached to the support by multiple perforations along the entire length of the rib, or with string, by perforating the cones in two places. The paper cones are stapled together. 

The initiative has the collaboration of the art and school network Redplanea, promoted by the Fundacip Carasso, and is implemented in La Rioja with the support of the Government of La Rioja through the Centro Riojano de Innovación Educativa.







  • Rafael Lafunte