bad boys for Designerbox

  • objets

bad boys for Designerbox


Time that is everywhere - in our smartphones, on our screens, in the city ... slowly clocks disappear from our life and yet as Gaston Bachelard, the famous philosopher, stated "it is the heart that beats in the house. "

matali crasset is a designer that needs to introduction as her creations have become iconic over time.
She captured this object, going against the digital world - that she knows well - and diverts its daily usages to reaffirm that the time is also a way "to know ourselves better, to assert our personality, and gradually find our uniqueness."

For designerbox, matali also plays with the spirit of collection! 5 different models were delivered randomly to designerbox’s subscribers. Bad Boy arto, Bad Boy with romantic eyebrowns, Bad Boy with a black eye, Bad Boy with a 3 days stubble, Bad Boy dandy... And as every month, they form a unique collection, thus produced for this month exclusively with only a small additional amount of each for those who will try to complete the full set !






  • designerbox
  • matali crasset